past papers psychology mcqs

Psychology MCQs for Preparation. If you are preparing for the Psychology MCQs, then provides you with all the most repeated Psychology MCQs on Lecturer Psychology, Clinical psychologist, Counselling psychologist, Educational psychologist, Forensic psychologist, Everyday life Psychology, Clinical Psychology(Assess and treat mental, emotional and behavioral disorders), Counseling psychologists. Developmental psychologists, Educational psychologists, Engineering psychologists, Experimental psychologists, Forensic psychologists  – and much more. In this MCQs section, frequently encountered in Inspector, ASI, Sub-inspector, Constable, FPSC, PPSC, ETEA, FIA, Police, Army, Navy, Airforce, IB, MOFA, ASF, LHC, Educators, and various other competitive exams, as well as government and private job assessments. Also, check MCQs on English here.

11. The so-called “master gland” which helps control the activities of various ductless glands is the ___________?

A. Adrenal medulla
B. Thyroid
C. Anterior pituitary
D. Gonad
E. None of these

12. A person has attitudes towards ___________?

A. All possible objects
B. All objects which are perceived by him
C. All objects which exist in his own life-space
D. None of these

13. Psychoneurosis tends to be___________?

A. Severe than the psychoses
B. Milder than neuroses
C. Milder than psychoses
D. About the same severity as the psychoses

14. The difficulty with type theories of personality is that they are ___________?

A. Too simple
B. Too contradictory
C. Too arbitrary
D. All of these
E. None of these

15. The concept of introversion and extroversion was advanced by ___________?

A. Spranger
B. Kretshmer
C. Jaensch
D. Jung

16. Which of the following could be attributed to Tolman’s research?

A. Discovery of the law of effect
B. The concept of cognitive map
C. The negative effect of punishment
D. The role of classical conditioning in the formation of phobic disorders
E. None of these

17. Which of the following factors influence the impact of interference on learning?

A. The nature of the material being learned
B. The organization and meaningfulness of the information learned
C. The type of activity that flows studying
D. All of the above
E. None of these

18. A study of gastric ulceration in response to stress produced by shock found that the most ulceration was shown by rates who ____________?

A. Only heard a tone but received no shock
B. Received varying levels of shock
C. Could predict the onset of shock
D. Could not predict the onset of shock

19. The notion that aggression can be reduced by allowing angry individuals to engage harmless activities that allow them to “blow off self esteem” is __________?

A. Frustration-aggression hypothesis
B. Displacement hypothesis
C. Sublimation hypothesis
D. Catharsis hypothesis

20. “Delusion” refer to ____________?

A. Thoughts or beliefs that have no basis in reality
B. Feelings that have no basis in reality
C. Behaviors that have no basis in reality
D. None of these

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