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191. In Erikson’s theory, the achievement of integrity is the primary task of ______________? 

192. An elderly person who can look back on life with satisfaction and reminisce with a sense of completion has attained Erikson’s stage of ________________?

193. Choosing a marriage partner and deciding whether or not to have children may be related to Erikson’s psychosocial stage of ______________? 

194. 30-year-old woman tells a friend that she doesn’t want to marry because she is afraid of losing her freedom and independence. Erikson would say that she is having difficulty with the psychosocial task of ______________? 

195. Which of the following abnormalities is most likely related to the mother’s condition at the time of conception? 

196. Of the following, which is possible cause of dementia? 

197. A stationary point of light when viewed in an otherwise totally dark room appears to move. This is an example of ________________?

198. What most accurately defines the function of middle ear?

199. Pinna is part of the _____________?

200. What is not one of Gestalt Psychology’s five laws of form perception?