past papers psychology mcqs

Psychology MCQs for Preparation. If you are preparing for the Psychology MCQs, then provides you with all the most repeated Psychology MCQs on Lecturer Psychology, Clinical psychologist, Counselling psychologist, Educational psychologist, Forensic psychologist, Everyday life Psychology, Clinical Psychology(Assess and treat mental, emotional and behavioral disorders), Counseling psychologists. Developmental psychologists, Educational psychologists, Engineering psychologists, Experimental psychologists, Forensic psychologists  – and much more. In this MCQs section, frequently encountered in Inspector, ASI, Sub-inspector, Constable, FPSC, PPSC, ETEA, FIA, Police, Army, Navy, Airforce, IB, MOFA, ASF, LHC, Educators, and various other competitive exams, as well as government and private job assessments. Also, check MCQs on English here.

211. In the Stroop effect, we may be asked to remember the word ‘blue’ when the color of the word itself actually was yellow. Our response tendencies demonstrate _______________?

212. The main function of the vestibular organs is to __________________? 

213. Prominent among monocular depth cues is ___________________?

214. Auditory sensations are transformed from ‘air waves’ to nerve impulses by the _________________? 

215. Starting at a red stimulus for a while leads to a green afterimage. This supports __________________?

216. The major structure of inner ear is ________________? 

217. Distinguishing objects from what surrounds them refers to ________________?

218. The greatest concentration of cones occurs in the ________________?

219. Semicircular canals are involved in which sense? 

220. The Ames room was specifically designed to test ________________?