61. The approach-approach conflict involves ____________?

A. A stable equilibrium
B. An unstable equilibrium
C. An oscillation of (A. and (B.
D. Neither (A. nor (B. (C.
E. None of these

62. In Pavlovian conditioning the learned response is ____________?

E. None of these

63. Thorndike’s “Law of Effect” was an early form of the present day principle of _____________?

A. Extinction
B. Reinforcement
C. Contiguity
D. Trial and error
E. None of these

64. Development of any skill depends intimately on ____________?

A. Muscle facility
B. Feedback
C. Abstractions
D. Kinesthetic stimulation
E. None of these

65. Of the following one is not a measure of retention ?

A. Recognition
B. Reminiscence
C. Relearning
D. Recall

66. When new acquisition improves retention of the old, we speak of _____________?

A. Positive transfer
B. Reproductive facilitation
C. Negative transfer
D. Reproductive interference
E. None of these

67. The essential feature of client-centered therapy is ___________?

A. The giving of reassurance to the client
B. The facilitating the client to arrive at his own insight about his problem
C. Its directive character
D. It’s emphasis upon searching for deep unconscious aspects of the problem

68. The theory of personality in which “basic anxiety” is the primary concept was associated with the name ____________?

A. Fromm
B. Sullivan
C. Horney
D. Murray
E. None of these

69. Which one of the following is not listed as classification of psychoneurosis?

A. Phobic reactions
B. Conversion reactions
C. Delusional reactions
D. Neurasthenic reactions
E. None of these

70. Psychodrama is one of the psychotherapeutic techniques which basically involve situations representing ____________?

A. Ego blocking
B. Superego blocking
C. Primary ego
D. All of the above
E. None of these

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