physiology mcqs

Psychology MCQs for Preparation. If you are preparing for the Psychology MCQs, then provides you with all the most repeated Psychology MCQs on Lecturer Psychology, Clinical psychologist, Counselling psychologist, Educational psychologist, Forensic psychologist, Everyday life Psychology, Clinical Psychology(Assess and treat mental, emotional and behavioral disorders), Counseling psychologists. Developmental psychologists, Educational psychologists, Engineering psychologists, Experimental psychologists, Forensic psychologists  – and much more. In this MCQs section, frequently encountered in Inspector, ASI, Sub-inspector, Constable, FPSC, PPSC, ETEA, FIA, Police, Army, Navy, Airforce, IB, MOFA, ASF, LHC, Educators, and various other competitive exams, as well as government and private job assessments. Also, check MCQs on English here.

81. According to clinical psychologists unconscious is _____________?

A. A construct
B. A place
C. A thing
D. An observation
E. None of these

82. Factors predisposing an individual towards feeling of jealousy include ______________?

A. Lack of intensity of feeling of love
B. Insecurity of self-conception
C. Self-hate
D. All of these
E. None of these

83. One of the following is not a monocular depth cue ______________?

A. Interposition
B. Relative moment
C. Convergence
D. Accommodation
E. None of these

84. Illnesses that seem to result from an interaction of physical and psychological factors are called ____________?

A. Hysterical
B. Conversion disorders
C. Somatic
D. Psychosomatic

85. Psycho dynamic therapists believe that maladaptive behavior stems from ___________?

A. Disturbed thought patterns
B. Inappropriate learning patterns
C. A failure to live up one’s full potential
D. Emotional trauma experienced in childhood
E. None of these

86. Clinicians attempting to systematically assess the abnormal behavior of a client will frequently _____________?

A. Rely primarily on personality tests
B. Employ a battery of tests
C. Rely primarily on projective tests
D. Rely primarily on neuropsychological tests
E. None of these

87. Which of the following is most likely to lead to high job satisfaction?

A. Matching personality with occupation
B. Promotion practices based on seniority
C. Having an out going personality
D. Working alone
E. None of these

88. The concept of intelligence is closely related to _____________?

A. Motivation
B. Learning
C. Perception
D. Cognition

89. Which of the following condition is not associated with prolonged sensory deprivation?

A. Inability to concentrate
B. A satisfying-relaxed feeling
C. Hallucinations
D. Confusion
E. None of these

90. Motivation is defined as inferred process within a person that causes organism to move toward _____________?

A. A goal
B. All other organisms
C. A homeostatic state
D. Higher kevels in the hierarchy of needs
E. None of these

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