Basic Chemistry MCQs

GURU MCQs provides MCQs of Chemistry from Basic to Advance, so that you can prepare accordingly. MCQs of Chemistry section covers important topics of chemistry. Most repeated Chemistry MCQs frequently encountered in Inspector, ASI, Sub-inspector, Constable, FPSC, PPSC, ETEA, FIA, Police, Army, Navy, Airforce, IB, MOFA, ASF, LHC, Educators, and various other competitive exams, as well as government and private job assessments. Chemistry most repeated MCQs include Basic chemistry MCQs, Chemical Bond MCQs, Gases MCQs, Liquids and Solids MCQs, Hydrocarbons MCQs, Polymerization MCQs, Rates of Reactions MCQs, Transition Elements MCQs, Organic Chemistry MCQs, Electrons in Atoms MCQs, Moles and Equations MCQs, et

41. Formation of vapours from the surface of a liquid is called________________?

A. vapourization
B. evaporation
C. condensation
D. cracking

42. The ttractive forces between the partial positive end of one molecule and partial negative end of other molecule are called________________?

A. Dipole-dipole forces
B. Ion dipole-dipole forces
C. London dispersion forces
D. Debye forces

43. Vapour pressure is not affected by_______________?

A. Surface area
B. temperature
C. intermolecular forces
D. atmospheric pressure

44. Table salt crystallizes with a______________________?

A. Face centered cubic lattice
B. body centered cubic lattice
C. simple cubic lattice
D. othorhombic lattice

45. During which process empty spaces between particles become minimum ?

A. ionization
B. condensation
C. fusion
D. evaporation

46. Which one of the following has highest volatility_________________?

A. Diethyl ether
B. Ethyl alcohol
C. Water
D. Ethylene glycol

47. If we provide very high amount of heat to a liquid its boiling point will__________________?

A. increase
B. remains constant
C. decrease
D. there will be no boiling

48. A solid may be made up of_________________?

A. Atoms
B. Ions
C. Molecules
D. A, B, and C

49. Amorphous substances posses_________________?

A. No definite geometry
B. No definite heat of fusion
C. No sharp melting points
D. All of the above

50. Boiling points of hydrocarbons increase with the increase in number of carbon atoms. It is mainly due to_________________?

A. More strength of H-bonding
B. More strength of London forces
C. Less polarizability
D. All of the above

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