Basic Chemistry MCQs

GURU MCQs provides MCQs of Chemistry from Basic to Advance, so that you can prepare accordingly. MCQs of Chemistry section covers important topics of chemistry. Most repeated Chemistry MCQs frequently encountered in Inspector, ASI, Sub-inspector, Constable, FPSC, PPSC, ETEA, FIA, Police, Army, Navy, Airforce, IB, MOFA, ASF, LHC, Educators, and various other competitive exams, as well as government and private job assessments. Chemistry most repeated MCQs include Basic chemistry MCQs, Chemical Bond MCQs, Gases MCQs, Liquids and Solids MCQs, Hydrocarbons MCQs, Polymerization MCQs, Rates of Reactions MCQs, Transition Elements MCQs, Organic Chemistry MCQs, Electrons in Atoms MCQs, Moles and Equations MCQs, et

61. The density of water may be__________________?

A. Equal to that of ice
B. Greater than that of ice
C. Less than that of ice
D. All are possible

62. Steam causes more sever burn than the boiling water because it possesses _________________?

A. Latent heat of fusion
B. Latent heat of vaporization
C. Latent heat of sublimation
D. All of the above

63. The conversion of vapours back into their liquid state is called__________________?

A. crystallization
B. evaporization
C. vaporization
D. condensation

64. When water freezes at 0°C its density decreases due to_______________?

A. Change of bond angles
B. Cubic structure of ice
C. Empty space present in the structure of ice
D. Change of bond length

65. The boiling point increases down the zero group element due to_________________?

A. Ion dipole forces
B. London forces
C. Hydrogen bonding
D. Dipole dipole forces

66. Rising of a wetting liquid in a capillary tube is due to__________________?

A. Surface tension
B. Cohesive forces
C. Adhesive forces
D. viscosity

67. The number of formula units in 29.25g of common salt_________________?

A. 6.022 x 1023
B. 3.01 x 1023
C. 2 x NA
D. 4 x 6.022 x 1023

68. Liquid gets the shape of the container when it is poured into it. Which one of the following reasons justifies it ?

A. Liquid do not have definite shape
B. Liquid do not have definite volume
C. Lieuid is highly compressible
D. Liquid molecules can slide over each other

69. Molar heat of vaporization of water is_________________?

A. 40.7 KJ/mole
B. 40.7 J/mole
C. 40.7 cal/mole
D. 40.7 Kcal/mole

70. Crystallites are present in_________________?

A. crystalline solids
B. amorphous solids
C. liquid crystals
D. all of the above

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